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Judy Hissong, PCC

San Diego, CA --
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Experienced with executives, managers, and teams at all levels, Judy partners with her clients to explore and adapt communication and strategic thinking to initiate and advance initiatives. Clients expect to be challenged to grow new skills, advance strengths, and celebrate wins. Standard fare with my clients are communication and conflict conversations that are stifling progress, strategic thinking for initiatives to spring forward and culture/climate to shift.


My first career as a professional athlete fed my desire to understand how to advance performance in the body. My second career in the C-suite of the legal industry fueled my desire to understand how to influence performance in the brain. My coach training linked these two together as I partner with clients to maximize their performance, individually and in teams.


An undergraduate degree in accounting and physical education laid the foundation for understanding how business happens. A master’s degree in sport management guided knowledge in facility design and business management. Coach training fostered Judy’s curiosity, grew her ability to ask powerful questions, and deepened her listening skills. Now she has more than 3,500 hours of individual and team coaching and is licensed to provide assessment tools in communication and conflict (Strength Deployment Inventory); Strengths and Overdone Strengths; and character awareness (Tilt365). Judy brings a unique perspective for her clients’ benefit.


  • Small Business owner coached to improve all owners (5) performance through communication and conflict skills. Profit increased nearly 10% through efficiencies created by sharing efforts.
  • Government Healthcare Technology Director coached to improve relationships with direct reports, develop benchmarks, and strategically redevelop the reporting structure. Successfully eliminated two positions while repurposing the talent to enhance the strategic vision of the Agency.
  • Law firm staff coached in transition from direct reporting relationships to teaming. Firm reduced head count by 5, service levels went up by 20% (satisfaction scale), and teams are problem solving firmwide issues.
Judy Hissong, PCC