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CEO Corner - June 2023 Newsletter

CEO of inviteCHANGE, Janet M. Harvey, reflects on the past month, which was full of tension and challenges.

She discusses the importance of paying attention to each moment and making choices instead of operating on auto-pilot. Janet encourages you to untie the knot in you rope and restore yourself to sovereignty.

“Tension this month is the condition of pressure or a relentless force causing anxiety, strain, crisis, release, and change.” - Lena Stevens, The Power Path (

My goodness me, the month of May manifested much, so much that I can't believe it's already June 1! As the image and quote above suggest, the past month did reveal a great deal of tension, challenging the archetypal energy of the strategist in me to remember that the energy of a storyteller requires following my good advice; pause creates more time than it takes.

When I don't mind that energy, my rope breaks, and those consequences mean more energy is necessary to restore and resolve the breakdowns. Rather than following that rhythm and feeling depleted, I remember that each moment holds the power of choice when I pay better attention rather than operate from auto-pilot habits and routines. For me, therein lies the power of learning to be with tension. Recognizing the 'knot in my rope' that you see in the image signals that the change I seek is occurring. My habits and routines are no longer useful; if I pay attention now, the rope will stay strong. By paying attention differently, I can trust my inner authority to make a shift in how I relate to my situation.

You may recall what I've shared above defines the state of living sovereign. When I accept the responsibility to untie the knot in my rope, I start the process of response agility no matter what's going on outside and around me. I relive this learning more regularly these days in the face of all life's complexity and rapid pace. So, I'm grateful I get to restore myself to sovereignty and hope you do too.

A fantastic phenomenon occurs when I lean into the qualities of any particular tension. Placing my attention on reflecting and listening more internally about what's generating the tension surfaces different choices that harmonize the tension-producing qualities. The act of reflecting to listen within begins to relieve the pressure. Yes, our experiences in life indeed are inside-out, whether we remember that or not!

We invite you to join us in exploring a fundamental tension between Conformity and Contribution for all of us, especially for leaders in organizations. I recently listened to a podcast with Donna Morris, EVP, and Chief People Officer for Walmart. She framed this tension between Conformity and Contribution pragmatically as the big task facing all human resource professionals. "For those of us who are in the people the end of the day, we're change agents. We're individuals who have to be partnered with the outcomes of business success. And we do that by aligning our people to the objectives of our business and then making sure that they understand the role that they play in those efforts." In what ways are you choosing Conformity instead of inviting Contribution? Where are you inviting Contribution too much that is resulting in disorganization? Please work with the handout and then listen to how the CEO of the ICF, Magdalena Nowicka Mook used this process to solve a thorny problem by attending tomorrow's Vanguard Conversation Series session about this tension.

We have many thought leadership and premium learning opportunities available for everyone this month, so scan the offers below. However, I want to focus your attention on two in particular.

Keep loving your life’s work throughout June and beyond!

Janet M. Harvey

Janet M. Harvey, MCC

Experienced with individuals at the Board of Directors, “C” Chair, Executive and Senior Management levels, Janet assists executives in adopting effective habits of perception and behavior to lead and accelerate corporate strategies. Typical engagements address executive development in the following areas: articulate and inspire through clarity of vision, enable respectful challenge, debate and catalyze synergy for strategic business choices, risk/reward critical thinking about investments and shareholder value, plan leader succession and architect sustainable cultural/strategic change.
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