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BE. CHOOSE. CAUSE. Global Coaching Community

Lead Well. Do Good. Drive Change.

Alan Arnett

Alan Arnett, PCC


About Alan Arnett, PCC

Alan is a seasoned Thinking Partner and Coach providing practical help for leaders navigating challenging times. Experienced in working with some of the world’s largest organisations, Alan shows leaders how to make new sense of working in a highly connected and fast changing world, often under intense scrutiny. Trained originally in engineering and technology roles, Alan spent 10 years at Coopers & Lybrand/PwC, working in centres of excellence for change management, innovation and leadership. He then moved into internal roles driving strategic change and performance improvement in BP and XL Catlin Insurance. Alan now works with individuals and teams who need to handle new realities and uses advanced coaching and collaborative working skills to give leaders practical ways to make progress. Kathryn and Alan are both experienced leaders, consultants and coaches, and have known each other for 20 years. They both enjoy collaborating. They created the model being shown at this conference after seeing how the challenges of 2020 affected their clients, and in particular their need for quick but effective ways to stay resourceful.