Dr. Shariff Abdullah
Be. Choose. Cause. Global Leader and 2022 Vanguard Speaker
About Shariff
DR. SHARIFF ABDULLAH is a consultant, author and advocate for mindfulness, inclusivity and societal transformation. Shariff’s meta-vision and mission are simple: we can create a world that works for all beings.
Shariff promotes heart-centered inclusivity, compassionate dialog, and a society based on vision. His vision and work are informed by his inclusive spiritual practices, his growing up with racism and generational poverty, his legal background as a successful attorney, and his inclusivity experiences in over 120 distinct cultures, spanning 45 countries.
Consultant and Trainer: Shariff has consulted with hundreds of organizations, and has trained thousands of executives and managers in the skills and techniques of inclusivity and authentic, effective leadership.
Wisdom Teacher: An inspirational speaker with a prophetic message, Shariff has been a sought-after presenter for Consciousness and Human Potential organizations, as well as several international forums.
Author: As an author, Shariff has written several paradigm-shifting books, including: The Power of One: Authentic Leadership in Turbulent Times; the award-winning Creating a World That Works for All; Seven Seeds for a New Society; Practicing Inclusivity; and The Chronicles of the Upheavals.
See why Shariff added an extra "F" to his name: "What's in a Name?"