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Elisabeth Kingsley, ACC

Porto, Portugal, Portugal
http://www.elisabethkingsley.com | email hidden; JavaScript is required

Coaching types: Business & Corporate, Leadership & Executive, Life Purpose & Personal Development

Elisabeth coaches leaders who care about making meaningful contributions and are navigating ambiguous territory personally, professionally and/or organizationally. They are looking to develop their leadership and or align priorities and ambitions. Her coaching cultivates deep self-knowing, trust and access to the wisdom of one’s head and heart resulting in effective and authentic leadership.


Elisabeth brings 15 years of experience as a marketer, project manager and entrepreneur to her coaching practice. Her career has included co-founding a non-profit focused on eliminating health disparities and many years in the marketing department of a Fortune 500 Company.

As a coach, she is a trusted partner for leaders and managers who care about using their influence positively and effectively. Her coaching allows space to slow down, focus and gain awareness that maximizes impact personally, professionally and with one’s teams, organizations and spheres of influence.


Elisabeth holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Communication with a minor in Global & Urban Studies from Seattle Pacific University as well as a Masters of Business Administration with a certificate in Leadership Formation from Seattle University.

Elisabeth is an International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach and a Certified Professional Coach with InviteChange.

Elisabeth Kingsley, ACC