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Coaching Education

All ICF Accredited Programs

Coaching Supervision

Strengthen Quality, Ethical Maturity & Well-Being as Coach

Coaching Supervision Individual and Group

Coaching Supervision is a tailored forum for coaches and leaders to reflect on all aspects of their professional work, including areas of strengthen, what to leverage, what to develop and through this dialogue to normalize and restore well-being.

  • Engage a peer who has pursued specific training to support your reflection on client engagements.

  • Safely explore ethical issues and effective relationship management that is the basis for your to consistent demonstrate quality and sustainable excellence.

  • Enjoy partnership, that can contain and resolve emotional barriers and mental blinders that evoke frustration, uncertainty, doubt, and ruptures in client relationships.

A Coaching Supervisor is...

A wise and trusted support influencing and inspiring excellence, quality, and ethical practice as a professional coach.

A Coaching Supervisor embodies…

A commitment in equal parts to collegial partnership, synergy, and excellence, contributing to a dynamic legacy that serves the future of professional coaching with integrity, rigor, and passion.

A Coaching Supervisor embodies… 

A commitment in equal parts to collegial partnership, synergy, and excellence, contributing to a dynamic legacy that serves the future of professional coaching with integrity, rigor, and passion.

Outcomes Of The Experience

As a participant you:

  • Gain access to a safe, confidential peer-based partnership.
  • Access a reliable pause in your work to engage in deeper self-reflection, self-learning, and self-regulation.
  • Explore the patterns of engagement you practice and discover what to amplify and what may be ready for evolution.
  • Clarify and affirm the philosophy, principles and practice that express your coaching practice and guide how you embody your authentic presence with clients.


During Individual Coaching Supervision:

  • Sessions are available from any one of our Accredited Coaching Supervisors.
  • A private online Dashboard provides access to video and written profiles to make your selection.
  • Scheduling and exchange of materials as well as session recording are accessible on demand.

During Group Coaching Supervision:

  • Sessions occur in groups of 4 to 8 people.
  • One, 1-hour session is dedicated to cohort cohesion and establishes the process elements for the cohort.
  • Four, 90-minute sessions offer opportunities to share case examples and gain perspective, feedback, and support to normalize your experience, strengthen your awareness and presence and restore well-being.
  • Working in a group provides a systemic, holistic view of your case that benefits everyone in the group to broaden perspective and understanding of options to strengthen ethical practice.

Meet Our Delivery Leaders

Program Details



  • Mix and match to satisfy the ICF requirement for a total of 10 hours with any credential renewal application.

  • Access to 3 Accredited Coaching Supervisors to tailor your experience.

  • Delivered via live video for convenience, privacy, and recording access for post-session review.

For The Boeing Company Employees

Registration Information

Individual Coaching Supervision

Jan 1, 2024–Dec 31, 2025

After purchasing, you will be set up with a dashboard allowing you to review available coaches, select your coach(s), and schedule with them directly

Let's Get Started

Schedule a Call To Learn More

CALL US TODAY at 877-228-2622 x202 or EMAIL US

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