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inviteCHANGE is affiliated with the Everett Community College Corporate and Continuing Education Center to provide a wide array of coach certification and advanced coach development courses for employees at The Boeing Company. Our affiliation allows for payment of tuition through Learning Together Program funding.

All programs are accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

Programs are for all individuals, team leads and managers and workgroup leaders interested in professional coach training to maximize potential in the workplace.

Being Generative Professional Coaches Level 1

Being Generative Professional Coaches Level 2

Advanced Coaching Education and Coaching

Signature 6-month program for new or non-professional coaches who wish to become certified at the ACC level.

    *You are not yet coaching, OR you are coaching less than 4 hours per week in a non-professional setting.

    For Credentialed ACC coaches looking to obtain their PCC 

    *Pre-requisite: Completion of Level 1 with inviteCHANGE or comparable program from another coaching education provider.    

    For practicing coaches to advance existing ICF credentials to the MCC level, gain Group and Team Coaching skills or Certification for Mentor Coaching, as well as coaching support and supervision.

      Questions? Contact Relationship Advisor Laurie Johnson by email or phone: 228-342-8343

      A Customized Approach for Boeing Employees

      • Practical learning related to individual work goals for maximizing potential
      • Sessions are offered online and scheduled around most Boeing work shifts
      • Personally transformative: Fulfill all necessary requirements to earn an International Coaching Federation Credential award at the Associate & Professional Certified Coach level while working full-time

      Training Outcomes

      • Discover and embody artistry in a coach approach to leading through learning fundamental skills and behaviors for effective coaching
      • Identify and deliver your unique value as a coach in the workplace
      • Know why people resist change and gain tools for supporting others to make sustainable behavior change

      Eligibility to earn:

      • ICF Associate Certified Coach (at 100+ Client Coaching Hours)
      • ICF Professional Certified Coach (at 500+ Client Coaching Hours)
      • ICF Master Certified Coach (at 2500+ Client Coaching Hours)
      • Continuing Coach Education Units for ICF credential renewal for practicing coaches.

      Steps to Get Started:

      1. Reach out to our inviteCHANGE Relationship Advisor, Laurie Johnson, at 877-228-2622, ext. 202 for program guidance
      2. Locate the courses that you are interested in taking by searching the EvCC catalogue (please note that EvCC lists courses seasonally, so you may not see the scheduled course until a month prior to the start date).
      3. Gain approval from your supervisor
        • Coaching is a field of study approved by exception only
        • For those participants who feel that Coaching is a field of study that directly relates to a specific strategic need of the Company or his/her organization, an exception may be requested from their immediate manager of record
        • You should see the exception form when you register through Boeing's LTP system
        • Contact Worklife service center at 866-473-2016 or via e-ticket for any LTP-related questions
      4. After you have approval from your supervisor, submit your voucher from Boeing to learn@everettcc.edu to be registered for the class

      Learn more about inviteCHANGE