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Coaching Education

All ICF Accredited Programs

Authentic Self Presence

Polish Your Lens of Authenticity

Authentic Self Presence ICF CCE
  • Access the path to Generative Wholeness™ in our signature program designed to liberate your essential authenticity. 

  • Learn how to enjoy your best life personally and professionally as you gain a renewable foundation for fulfilling and generative living.

  • Enjoy a direct experience of the inviteCHANGE Generative Coaching approach. 

  • Be the recipient of both individual and group coaching devoted to your personal growth and development.

  • Explore and gain access to tools and processes to invite conscious, sustainable change, as you create an invitation for your clients to experience liberation too.

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  • Individuals who desire to produce artful generativity as coach practitioners.
  • Leaders who seek to engage in professional life with more authenticity.
  • Coach practitioners who envision liberating authenticity as a central client offer.

Outcomes Of The Experience

As a participant you:

  • Excavate your life experience through multi-sensory and spiritual practices that cultivate inner wisdom to embody greater wholeness.

  • Broaden access to somatic and emotional and intuitive perceiving that strengthens comfort with uncertainty, the source to experience what is emergent.

  • Safely and gently explore your inner attitudes and beliefs to determine what propels you forward and what holds you back.

  • Claim the traits that are your essence and generate unique pathway practices for your life to unfold, inside-out from your authentic self.

  • Translate your personal experience into processes to engage with clients and colleagues who seek to live an authentic life.

  • Transform your experience of daily life in ways that create ease to fully embody your authentic presence and gain insight about how to invite and encourage the same in others.

  • Appreciate and claim your ability to stand in the eye of who you truly are, no matter what opportunity or possibility you dream to pursue.

    Meet Our Delivery Leaders

    Program Details

    Authentic Self Presence - Part 1


    • Nine Weekly live video sessions for 2 hours

    • Peer coaching opportunities as fieldwork outside of sessions

    Life Mapping Your Authentic Self - Part 2


    Option A: Learning Cloud Course for Life Mapping Your Authentic Self ~ 12 CCE $1,165

    In development

    • Explore Life Wheel as a process to invite change through the Intention-Choice-Action technique

    • Access three hours of 1:1 Coaching support to transform limiting beliefs blocking movement to desired experience.

    Option B: Mastermind Coaching for Life Mapping Your Authentic Self live program ~ 12 CCE $1,165

    • Explore Life Wheel as a process to invite change through the Intention-Choice-Action technique during peer-to-peer group coaching, and as desired, peer pair coaching to practice and integrate learning (self-scheduled)

    • Collaborate within the cohort to customize generative methods for application with clients.

    30 (in 2 parts) total TOTAL CONTACT LEARNING HOURS


    PART 1 $1,750* full payment OR $100** deposit with 2 monthly payments of $825

    PART 2 $1,165* full payment OR $100** deposit with 2 monthly payments of $532.50

    Tuition and Payment Options: Please contact our Customer Care Associate.

    *Full Payment due prior to program start date
    **Payment plans begin on the 1st business day of the month in which your enrolled program begins.

    • There is no penalty for early payment of tuition in advance.
    • Payment plans may also be negotiated to begin in advance of the program start date to reduce monthly payment amounts.
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    For The Boeing Company Employees

    Registration Information

    Let's Get Started

    Schedule a Call To Learn More

    CALL US TODAY at 877-228-2622 x202 or EMAIL US

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