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Annie Fitzgerald, PCC

Generative Wholeness Practitioner

Seattle, WA
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877-228-2622 Ext 225

Annie Fitzgerald is an engaging and experienced Leadership Trainer and Executive Coach committed to every aspect of a business and an individual. She has the innate ability to communicate and connect with people to create unprecedented awareness and results. Annie has coached a wide variety of individuals and companies who are called to create results they believe are “impossible.” The wide range of areas include leadership and business development, corporate culture improvement, and creating a surplus of personal abundance in time, health, and wealth

Annie Fitzgerald, PCC


With over 12 years and 3000 hours of coaching experience, Annie has coached individuals, entrepreneurs and teams who are ready to increase their leadership, contribution, and effectiveness by creating more awareness for themselves and their teams. Annie creates safety and connectedness with her clients and teams which allows her to coach and train with velocity and efficiency. Annie is a bold, compassionate, challenging and discerning coach.

“Coaching with Annie is equal parts inspiring, empowering, frustrating, freeing, exhausting, and challenging. This is real work that you will do for yourself. It is not for the passive viewer, but for people that want to really live. Working with Annie, I found an inner source of energy, gained clarity about myself and the world around me, and discovered a path not from A to B, but from Dreams to Reality.”


Anne holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Psychology from Eastern Michigan University.

Anne is an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach, an inviteCHANGE Certified Mentor Coach, a Board Certified Coach, a Certified CVI Practitioner, a Certified Leadership Agility Practitioner, and the ICF Washington State 2014 Personal Coach of the Year. Annie is also a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching, a California based coach training organization where she led their Coach Training Programs in Seattle and Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.


  • Developed and implemented a leadership development program for a mid-sized company wanting to develop their management for an upcoming expansion. Annie provided curriculumdevelopment, and leadership training and coaching to enable the successful growth andexpansion. This company continues to run this course annually.
  • Creating a culture of trust, connection and ownership on teams and in companies.
  • Successful sale of company and transition to board member and philanthropist.
  • An abundance of time, health, wealth, and happiness in all areas of life.
  • Successful transitions with promotions, managing large projects and teams, challengingemployees, strained professional and personal relationships and reprieve from stress, anxiety,and unhealthy habits.