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Introduction to Generative Coaching

Talk to a Coach today about how you can learn and demonstrate ICF Core Competencies, authentically and confidently:

Laurie Johnson, PCC, Coaching Education Manager
887-228-2622 Ext 202

Attend a Live Virtual Event:

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The inviteCHANGE Difference

ICF Accredited since 1999, inviteCHANGE is globally recognized as industry leaders, practicing ICF Credentialed Member coaches, Certified Mentor Coaches and Course Leaders offering innovations for coach training, advanced coach development, coaching services and the application of coaching in organizational settings.

Whether you have an intuitive knowing or friends and colleagues say, “You should really think about becoming a coach!” it is important to follow the feeling. Why? Because it’s likely connected to the essence of who you are. And when you come to this choice from your essence, you are going to feel more fulfilled as you become a coach.

inviteCHANGE virtual events are open to anyone who is curious and seeking adult, experiential learning for Coach Certification Training or Continuing Coach Education. All virtual events are complimentary and require advance registration. Participants will receive a confirmation email providing log in access and audio instructions.

RSVP Today! Free registration date/time options below

inviteCHANGE Training programs satisfy Boeing LTP annual funding requirements

Upcoming Introduction Dates