Archetypes at Work™ Coaching Training
Online Course Via Live Video Course Room
Jan 14, 2025–Jan 13, 2025
6 Tuesdays January 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 18 9am-1pm US Eastern / 2pm-6pm UK
Opens up your awareness and perspective so that you live into greater potential and sovereignty as your chosen learning journey progresses.
Personal coaching demonstrates both the ICF Core Competency framework and the inviteCHANGE Generative Coaching approach. Both are globally recognized for excellence and, by being the client in parallel with being a learner about the same process, you will accelerate adoption of best practices into your professional coaching demonstration.
You may choose among our inviteCHANGE practitioners who are active in the field and maintain and ICF Credential at the PCC or MCC level, status as a Certified Mentor Coach and a qualified delivery leader for inviteCHANGE programs. Your chosen coach will engage you boldly and purposefully in order to challenge thinking, mindset, attitude and bias. Doing this opens up your awareness and perspective so that you live into greater potential and sovereignty as your chosen learning journey progresses.
Credit card payment is accepted by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Please review our Cancellation & Refund Policy for further details.
6 Tuesdays January 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 18 9am-1pm US Eastern / 2pm-6pm UK
24 Tuesdays
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM US Eastern
Every other Monday, 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern
6 Hours of Asynchronous learning prior to first live session
January 27: 10am-12pm US Eastern
January 29: 10am-12pm US Eastern
January 31: 10am-12pm US Eastern
Thursdays at your choice of: 11am - 1pm US Eastern OR 7pm-9pm US Eastern.
Step 1: 60 Contact Learning Hours
6 February - 24 July 2025 (break 6/19)
Step 2: 70 Contact Learning Hours
28 August 2025 - 30 April 2026 (breaks 10/23 11/27 12/25/25 and 1/1/26)
11am - 1pm US Eastern
24 Thursdays (Break June 19)
60 Contact Learning Hours
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM US Eastern
24 Thursdays (Break June 19)
60 Contact Learning Hours
Weekly on Tuesdays
February 25: 7:30-8:30pm US Eastern
March 4 - March 25: 7:30-9:00pm US Eastern
Weekly on Wednesdays
February 26: 7:00pm - 8:00pm US Eastern
March 5 - March 26: 7:00pm - 8:30pm US Eastern
Weekly on Wednesdays 5 Wednesdays
February 26: 7:30-8:30pm US Eastern
March 5 - March 26: 7:30-9:00pm US Eastern
3 Tuesdays March 4, 11, 18 9am-4pm US Eastern 2pm - 7pm UK
March 17 - April 7, weekly
April 21 - August 25, every other week
10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern, Mondays
March 17 - April 7, weekly
April 21 - 25 August, every other week
8:00pm-10:00pm US Eastern, Mondays
6 Hours of Asynchronous learning prior to first live session
March 17: 10am-12pm US Eastern
March 19: 10am- 12pm US Eastern
March 21: 10am- 12pm US Eastern
Tuesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
14 April - 23 June 2025 (Break 5/26) 10 Mondays, 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern
11am - 1pm US Eastern
32 Tuesdays (Break 10/21)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
11am - 1pm US Eastern
32 Tuesdays (Break 10/21)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
7pm-9pm US Eastern
24 Tuesdays
Tuesdays at your choice of: 11am - 1pm US Eastern OR 7pm-9pm US Eastern.
Step 1: 60 Contact Learning Hours
6 May - 14 Oct 2025
Step 2: 70 Contact Learning Hours
13 January 2026 - 18 August 2026
11am - 1pm US Eastern OR 7pm-9pm US Eastern
24 Tuesdays
5 Mondays 10:30 - 11:30 US EST
Weekly on Wednesdays 5 Wednesdays
June 3: 7:30-8:30pm US Eastern
June 11 - July 2: 7:30-9:00pm US Eastern
6 Tuesdays Ju4ne 10, 17, 2 July 1, 8, 15 9am-1pm US Eastern / 2pm-6pm UK
6 Hours of Asynchronous learning prior to first live session
June 23: 10am-12pm US Eastern
June 25: 10am- 12pm US Eastern
June 27: 10am- 112pm US Eastern
3 Tuesdays July 29, August 5, 12 9am-4pm US Eastern 2pm - 7pm UK
Every other Monday, 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern
11am - 1pm US Eastern
32 Thursdays (Breaks 12/25/25 + 1/1/26)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
7pm - 9pm US Eastern
32 Thursdays (Breaks 10/23, 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
Your choice of: 11am - 1pm US Eastern OR 7pm-9pm US Eastern
32 Thursdays (Breaks 10/23, 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1/2026)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
15 September - 1 December 2025 10 Mondays, 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern
Weekly on Wednesdays 5 Wednesdays
September 17: 7:30-8:30pm US Eastern
September 24 - October 15: 7:30-9:00pm US Eastern
Thursdays at your choice of: 11am - 1pm US Eastern OR 7pm-9pm US Eastern.
Step 1: 60 Contact Learning Hours
18 September 2025 - 2 April 2026 (breaks 10/23, 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1/2026)
Step 2: 70 Contact Learning Hours
7 May 2026 - 17 December 2026 (break 11/26)
11am - 1pm US Eastern
24 Thursdays (breaks 10/23, 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1/2026)
7pm-9pm US Eastern
24 Thursdays (breaks 10/23, 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1/2026)
Tuesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET (Breaks 10/21, 11/11, 12/23 and 12/30)
6 Hours of Asynchronous learning prior to first live session
October 20: 10am-12pm US Eastern
October 22: 10am- 12pm US Eastern
October 24: 10am- 12pm US Eastern
October 27 - November 17, weekly
December 1, 2025 - April 20, 2026, every other week (Break 12/22/25, 12/29/25 and 1/5/26)
10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern, Mondays
October 27 - November 17, weekly
December 1, 2025 - April 20, 2026, every other week (Break 12/22/25, 12/29/25 and 1/5/26)
8:00pm-10:00pm US Eastern, Mondays
5 Mondays 10:30 - 12:30 US EST
Every other Monday, 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern
11am - 1pm US Eastern
32 Tuesdays
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
7pm-9pm US Eastern
32 Tuesdays
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
Tuesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
11am - 1pm US Eastern
32 Thursdays (Break 11/26)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
7pm-9pm US Eastern
32 Thursdays (Break 11/26)
70 Contact Learning Hours
PRE-REQUISITE: Completion of Level 1 or equivalent program with another education provider or ACC
5 Mondays 10:30 - 12:30 US EST
Tuesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET (Breaks 12/22 and 12/29)
Download a FREE digital e-book of “What Is Professional Coaching?” by Janet Harvey:
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